The ever so slightly super-duper loopy and red ‘n’ black wacky URBAN VOODOO MACHINE — those bourbon-soaked, blues-bop, gypsy-family of like minds, conducted & orchestrated by the Norwegian born multidimensional charismat: Paul-Ronney Angel — have released a video for their premonitory April 2020 single “Living In Fear” [check the video below]

The song originally came to life long before there was anything called Covid-19 and is an observation of a world already gone wrong with references to recent Great British scandals,including Windrush : “They’re shipping them back to where they came from...” and Grenfell: “It’s hard to sleep in a plastic tower”.
Paul-Ronney Angel says: “Living in fear . . . wow, never in my wildest imagination did I expect to live through something like this – talking about literally the whole world...”
The number comes packed with Caribbean succulence before a set of revelrous punk/ska rhythms bring Angel’s loamy-gruff vocals… “Living in fear…”
Yep, nailed it… On the nose!